6 Ways to Find Deals on DFW Investment Properties

Adding investment properties to your portfolio is a no-brainer in today’s economy. While it pays to invest, you don’t want to spend too much or put your money into a niche that isn’t right for you. Many investors are looking for deals on DFW real estate, and we’re here to let you know exactly how … Continued

3 Creative Ways to Invest in DFW Real Estate

Building a real estate portfolio is an excellent way to build wealth and security for you and your family. Investing in DFW can go beyond buying a single-family home, duplex, or apartment building. There are many great ways to creatively invest in the DFW real estate market. Whether you focus on land, mobile homes, partnerships, … Continued

5 Mistakes New DFW Real Estate Investors Often Make

Making mistakes is how we learn. Making mistakes is what helps us grow. Every great investor has made a mistake or two along the way. It is nothing to be embarrassed about or try to cover up. It is a part of the business, and it happens to everyone. Below, we offer up some of … Continued

How to Create Generational Wealth for Your Family in DFW

Creating generational wealth for your family is a buzzword we have been hearing about for a while. For many, the thought was always to build wealth, but now people are now becoming more focused on what they can leave behind for future generations. Many parents are spending their time, working hard to ensure a bright … Continued

5 Tips to Help if You Have Inherited a Hoarder House in DFW

While the news you’ve inherited a house may sound like a windfall, you may have an entirely different perspective if you should discover you’ve inherited a hoarder house. Inheriting a house from a hoarder brings a unique set of considerations. Hoarders assign value to possessions that no longer serve them and fill their homes with … Continued

How to Sell Your House During Bankruptcy in DFW

If you own a home when you file for bankruptcy, it becomes part of the bankruptcy estate, the property or assets you own. In October of 2022, there was a twenty-seven percent increase in chapter 13 bankruptcy filings over the previous year. Bankruptcies, including all chapters, total a seven percent increase overall, which correlates strongly … Continued

How Absentee Owners Can Sell a House in DFW

Are you an absentee owner considering selling your vacant property in DFW? Absentee owners often need assistance managing their interactions with realtors, buyers, and other professionals, often missing time from their work, family, and friends to travel to the property.  The conventional listing process can be highly costly, especially as the market shirts in the … Continued

5 Benefits of Selling Your DFW House to Local Cash Investors

From the initial prep work to the day-to-day pressure to keep your home picture perfect for possible last-minute showings, listing a home for sale can be a stressful and exhausting experience for the entire family, not to mention expensive and highly time-consuming. However, suppose your property or circumstances are not a perfect fit for listing … Continued

3 Things You Should Know About Inheriting Real Estate in DFW

It may sound exciting to have inherited real estate. However, quite often, the reality of inheriting real estate from well-meaning loved ones or friends isn’t pleasant, rarely is the property pristine and free of debt. Therefore, it’s beneficial to consult an attorney and accountant experienced in real estate, whether you have inherited the property alone … Continued

How to Sell a House in DFW When Dealing With a Messy Divorce

Selling your house is fraught with stress, from deciding how to sell and all the steps to prepare; when you add in the complications of a divorce, it only serves to amp up the volume. However, when making what may be one of the most significant financial transactions of your lifetime, it’s worth taking a … Continued

The 5 Biggest Costs You Can Expect When Hiring a DFW Real Estate Agent

Listing is an overwhelming prospect, and very often, home sellers reach out to real estate agents for the vast experience they bring to the table. Unfortunately, however, the services of a real estate agent come with a hefty price tag that reaches far beyond the high commissions. So, if your property isn’t in peak condition, … Continued

How to Know if it is Time to Sell Your House in DFW

While most homeowners expect to sell their homes at some point, sudden life changes like a job relocation or a family member who needs our care can force the decision. But, without that pressure, it can be a difficult decision. So often, homeowners remain in place long after the home best serves their needs because … Continued

Does FSBO Really Work When Selling a House in DFW

Jumping into unknown waters is risky, and when considering the best way to sell your house, there are potentially tens of thousands of dollars on the line. Representing yourself in selling your home in the DFW traditional real estate market places tremendous pressure on homeowners to perform to the level of professionals with years of … Continued