Many sellers and agents are honest and forthright, but, unfortunately, some are not. Of course, they want to and should cast their home in the best light possible to make it as appealing as possible to potential buyers. The problem, though, is that some sellers take it too far and cross the line into deception and manipulation, and these deceptive tricks and tactics often hide major flaws with the home. So don’t get taken in. Read on to find out the top tricks you shouldn’t fall for when buying a home in DFW.
False Sense of Urgency
One of the most effective tricks sellers use to get buyers to make an offer involves creating a false sense of urgency. So be make sure to be on the lookout for this questionable tactic when buying a home in DFW.
Here’s what industry pros have to say about this. “One of the tenets of sales is to create a sense of urgency, and there are many ways to do this, such as pricing a home competitively or offering incentives. Unfortunately, some sellers revert to less-than-completely-honest tactics such as claiming there are multiple offers on a property when there aren’t, or putting false deadlines on accepting offers.”
It’s imperative then, to “avoid becoming a victim of such a practice . . . to do your research to learn a property’s true value and not allow any outside factors to sway you from that price.” It’s also a good idea to work closely with a DFW agent to avoid falling victim to the false-urgency trick. To find out more about how a local agent can assist you, just call (682) 200-9276.
Odor Concealment
Another sneaky trick sellers sometimes resort to is covering up or concealing tell-tale odors that may indicate major problems such as mold/mildew. Buying a home in DFW with mold problems means you’ll likely have to pay for costly and lengthy mold abatement because exposure to mold can cause serious respiratory problems.
What happens then, when an unscrupulous seller suspects mold issues is that she may try to cover the mold odor with, say, the pleasant smell of freshly baked cookies or “other distractions.” And it can work because mold is already typically difficult to detect.
“While there are certainly exceptions, mold, for the most part, can be hard to find – if you don’t know what to look for, that is . . . While mold certainly has a distinct smell, its odor is far from the only sign that it might be present in a home for sale. . . . Mold requires a damp, dark environment to thrive and reproduce, so if you can identify an area of the house that meets this criterion, it’s worth looking into.
If you suspect mold problems, most experts recommend that you add a mold inspection to your contingencies. You can discover more about this by contacting a DFW agent at (682) 200-9276.
Downplayed Renovation Costs
Also, when buying a home in DFW, you need to be aware that sellers may sometimes downplay the costs of necessary renovations. Certainly, buying a fixer-upper can be a great way to get a great deal on a home, but you have to know how much it will cost to make necessary repairs and renovations. And because many buyers don’t know these costs, sellers may try to downplay the costs to make a sale.
That’s why, in order to protect yourself, industry experts recommend “implementing as many contingencies as possible when it comes to these properties. . . . Of particular importance is making the sale of the property contingent upon inspections. That way, you don’t have to commit to buying the property until you know everything about it.”
You can also bring in your own contractor to get an accurate estimate of how much repairs/renovations will cost. And, of course, it’s always a good idea to lean on your DFW agent’s expertise in this area.
Listing-Photos Deception
Listing photos are very important and critical to a compelling listing. But they don’t always tell the whole story about buying a home in DFW.
Cleverly staged and/or carefully selected photos don’t always tell the whole truth about a property. “A picture,” industry pros say, “doesn’t always tell the truth. Keep a close eye on where the photographs are taken for the property listing . . . Obviously, it’s fair to show a property in its best light, especially for flyers and brochures. But . . . you should check out the parts of the home that are not shown in photos. Often, agents are trying to hide something that would lower the home’s value or something that needs repair.”
Appliance Deception
And then there are the tricks sellers sometimes try when it comes to appliances – number one of which is trying to get you to believe the appliances are newer than they actually are.
You need to be on the lookout for this tactic when buying a home because “[a]ppliances are a big deal in modern homes. When they’re old and in need of repair or replacement, it can be a budget-buster. Old or dilapidated appliances are also signs that a homeowner might not have kept up on maintenance in other areas of a home. So, it’s no wonder sellers might want to fool you into thinking appliances are newer than they really are.”
A trick in this area sellers sometimes use is writing, in permanent marker, a deceptive and false installed date on major appliances like a furnace or water heater. Although an experienced, qualified inspector will usually detect such fraud, you still need to be aware that it does happen.
Use a Local Agent When Buying a Home in DFW
Certainly, you should be aware of these tricks so that you don’t fall for them – forwarned is forearmed, they say. Still, there are other tricks and tactics sellers may try, and, often, they vary from market to market. That’s why it’s so important to work closely with an experienced, local DFW agent. So if you’re considering buying a home in DFW and don’t want to fall prey to these seller tricks, be sure to contact us today at (682) 200-9276.